- Added Automatic EThLargementPill for Nvidia hashrate booster for 1080/1080ti
- New message at start if new Megaminer release available
- Updated nvdia-smi (needed for nvidia cards identification) to 397.64 release
- Added hamsi,bmw,whirpool and echo Algos for AMD
- Added allium algo for NVIDIA
- Added x16r for CPU
- Updated AMD SgminerAver to 1.4 Release
- Updated CPU cpuminer Jayddee to
- Updated CPU xmrig to 2.6.2
- Added NVDIA SuprminerSP 4a
- Added NVDIA Ccminer for Allium
- X16r,Blake2s and Neoscrypt not working for Unimining.net
- Nicehash not using europe location
If you want to reuse your old config.txt file, and you want to use new EthLargementPill feature you must add this section @@ETHlargementPill=ENABLED
If you use new ETHlargementpill feature you must delete ETHASH