This app was created after I noticed a business need for my current employer. We were managing customer action requests from a group email inbox which was difficult to manage. It lead to work duplication, requests becoming lost or going unnoticed, and inconsistent responses to customers. This Work Action Tracker web application is designed to streamline and manage work requests submitted by customers. The app allows customers to upload files and track the status of their work requests. Employees can use the app to monitor and manage their assigned tasks, send tickets back for additional updates, or mark them as completed. The web application can be visited here . To test the employee functionality, use the username test and password test. For customer functionality, use the username test1 and password test1.
- Create, edit and submit a work ticket.
- Upload files related to work requests.
- Track the status of submitted work requests.
- Create, edit and submit a work tick.
- Assign, view and manage tickets.
- Request additional updates on tickets.
- Mark tickets as completed.
- Log in to profile submit a new work request.
- Upload necessary files and monitor the status of your request from the dashboard.
- Log in to create, edit or view assigned tickets.
- Review ticket details and either request more information or change ticket status.