This library stores and computes some internal data statistics to process values smoothed over time, current range statistics and derived values. It also provides a piece wise linear calibration.
- rawCurrent: current raw value, no computation, no averaging
- rawMean: averaged raw value
- absCurrent: raw value - min value
- absMean: averaged absCurrent
- dynCurrent: relative value (0-1) within min-max range
- dynMean: averaged dynCurrent
- dynCurrentRelease: like dynCurrent, but negative values indicate difference force to recently released grasp
- dynMeanRelease: averaged dynMeanRelease
This adds accumulation modes to aggregate all sensor values within the array into a single value.
- Sum
- SumPositive
- SumNegative
- CountPositive
- CountNegative
- Min
- Max
- meanAlpha: smoothing factor of the exponential moving average (default 0.7)
- rangeLambda: smoothing factor of the filter for the update of the min and max of the dynamic range (default 0.9995)
- releaseDecay: rate of decay to slowly leave the release mode after entering it (0.05)
The calibration is done according to a calibration file stored in YAML.
0: 0
1: 1
2: 1
3: 0