Azure Logic Apps, Functions and cognitive services example for understanding Logic Apps, Functions and Cognitive services.
LogicApps - Template for deploying a logic app. It contains the following logic:
- Request comes to logic app with the body being a JSON according to a JSON schema
- Continues to a function (checkImage) to verify whether the image contains a face or text or both
- Case with each of the cases:
- Function to check and respond emotions in case the image contains a face (pictureEmotion)
- Function to check and respond with the text if the image contains text (OCRFunction)
- If both detected both functions are ran
- Results in the response being sent back
Make sure to enter the cognitive services keys
The flow should be the following:
- You send a JSON body to the Logic app as the one below (using Postman for example): { "url": "" }
- You can use a sample payload to generate the schema for validation and it should look like this: { "properties": { "url": { "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }
- The body of the request will be sent to the checkImage function
- The function will reply with one of this three options as the body of the message: face, text or both
- Each branch of the switch statement will trigger another function or sequence of functions.
- Each function will save the result (unaltered) in either storage tables (pictureEmotion function) or blob storage (OCRFunction)
- At the end you will get the reply from the cognitive service(s) used.