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ScaleOut Azure Service Bus

Uffe Björklund edited this page Jun 15, 2015 · 2 revisions

###Template There is a template included for ScaleOut over Azure Service Bus. Choose add new item and then navigate to XSockets.NET 5 and choose AzureServiceBusScaleOut

###Connection String Login to Azure and get your connection string from the service bus tab. Create a new service bus namespace if needed.

    <add key="Microsoft.ServiceBus.ConnectionString" 
    value="Endpoint=sb://[namespace]; SharedSecretIssuer=owner;SharedSecretValue=someSecret"/>

###ServerId for Azure Service Bus To only get messages form other servers we have to add a unique id for the server. Below we use a GUID, but it can be any unique string.

<add key="XSockets.ScaleOut.ServerId" value="BBD891F7-DD8D-4FBE-B2F5-57C29D55AEAA" /> 
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