This script is no longer in use, now that Archive-It is used to crawl state government websites. See Web Download for the current workflow for getting individual state government documents.
Do a first pass at appraising files obtained through a web crawl by sorting into folders based on keywords in the title and based on file extensions.
Python script that sorts files into folders to keep and don't keep based on keywords in the file title and based on the file extensions. Files are sorted into folders so that the user can verify the decisions before processing or deleting content.
The script was developed to work with the results of web crawls using the software HTTrack in order to obtain publications from those sites. Therefore, the script is based on the directory structure of HTTrack output:
Parent Folder
Website_Name (folder)
Website_Name (folder)
images (folder)
files (these are the files to be sorted)
hts-cache (folder)
The script creates folders "Keep" and "Don't Keep" within each images folder and then sorts the files within that images folder according to the rules.
Download the script to your computer and give it permission so it is executable.
Run the script with the command: python parentfolder
Where parentfolder is the folder which contains all the folders with files you want to sort.
Python 3
Adriane Hanson, Head of Digital Stewardship, 2018.
This script was developed and tested with the assistance of Sarah Causey, Map and Government Information Library.