Create a directory structure whose files are symlinks to files within another directory structure. Written in BASH for easy modifications.
Directories are real local directories, files are symlinks.
I use this to keep a local copy of a very large and very slow ftp site. So that I can search the site without waiting. Once I've found what I need I can double click the local symlink and it opens the linked file from the FTP site.
Can create the new directory tree using softlinks, hardlinks or Mac OSX Aliases.
Similar to the c program lndir.
Similar to the perl program lntree.
lnbush -[vhsda] sourcedir targetdir
Recursively copies a directory but uses symlinks for all the files. Will create destination dir if it does not exist.
-s use symbolic links for created links[default]
-d use hard links for created links
-a use Mac OSX aliases for links
-v verbose
-h Displays this help message. No further functions are performed.
Example: lnbush -va ./media/movies ~/Desktop/movies