A minimal seed template for a project using Scalismo.
Once you have sbt installed, you can run the command:
sbt new unibas-gravis/scalismo-seed.g8
You will be asked for the name of your new project that will be created for you.
Once the project is created, you can also check the general tutorial for a quick tour of Scalismo's capabilities or checkout how to use scalismo in an IDE.
To compile your application as an executable Jar, you should change into the created projects directory, if you have not already. Then you can use the assembly command:
sbt assembly
This will dump an executable jar file in the target/scala-2.12/ directory. To run the jar:
java -jar target/scala-SCALA_VERSION/executable.jar
The name as well as the Main class to be used for the executable jar can be changed in the build.sbt file