This bundle provides you with:
- reason to move on from php 5.3
- code base of 1k+ lines including 25+ phpspec examples
- symfony2 security configuration
- symfony2 security configuration for partially protected sites
- symfony2 firewall
- User entity for Doctrine ORM
- login controller
- login template
- login event logger
Issues and feature requests are tracked in the Github issue tracker
To install this bundle with Composer, just add the following to your composer.json file:
require: { ... "unknown/user-light": "1.0.4" }
Then register the bundle in AppKernel::registerBundles()
$bundles = array( ... new Unknown\Bundle\ReportBundle\UnknownUserLightBundle(), );
Include security configuration.
imports: - { resource: @UnknownUserLightBundle/Resources/config/security.yml }
To assign custom user entity for firewall use bundle configuration.
Partial bundle configuration:
user_entity_class: Acme\CustomBundle\Entity\User
To store login events in database supply record class in bundle configuration. Supplied class should implement Unknown\Bundle\UserLightBundle\Entity\LoginRecordInterface interface.
Partial bundle configuration:
login_record_class: Acme\CustomBundle\Entity\LoginRecord
Default bundle configuration looks for ::login.html.twig template. However, there is already provided template which can be used by configuring bundle with following:
login_template: UserLightBundle::login.html.twig