Robots simulate their sensors in triangle meshes.
ROS integration of rmagine library and examples for:
- Basic usage of rmagine library
- Simulating different attributes for intersections
- Advanced examples to speed up your applications
- rmagine library (Required) for simulation
- mesh_tools (Optional) for visualization of loaded meshes in RViz
If you have problems compiling mesh_tools
We used mesh_tools at version 1.0.1
. Additionally we placed some CATKIN_IGNORE
files to subpackages we don't need. Calling git status
in mesh_tools
user@pc:~/catkin_ws/src/mesh_tools$ git status
HEAD detached at 1.0.1
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
The node's arguments can be read in the example launch files.
Simulate a lidar sensor.
Simulate a depth camera sensor.
Simulate a O1Dn sensor.
Simulate a OnDn sensor.