⛔ This project is deprecated. Please use url2io-python-client, the successor of url2io-python-sdk.
This is the URL2io python SDK suite. Note that python2.7 is required.
This is the underlying API implementation.
How to use? example:
- register and get
- coding
>>> import url2io
>>> api = url2io.API(token)
>>> # get content and next page link
>>> ret = api.article(url='http://www.url2io.com/products', fields=['next',])
>>> print ret
u'content': u'<div><p>\u63d0\u4f9b\u7b80\u5355\uff0c',
u'date': None,
u'title': u'URL2io \u4ecb\u7ecd',
u'url': u'http://www.url2io.com/products'