Sqlfs is a Qt file system engine similar to the Qt resource system but not read only. It was developed to provide transparent file storage for Qt applications. By now the engine is limited to SQLite. Support for other DBMS's can easily be implemented (just a bit of SQL tweaking).
The main use case is to give applications the ability to host their own file systems in their own SQLite based applications files.
- Transparent for Qt file system classes
- Can host QML code
- Uses only one table in the database
- Lightweight and simple code
- Platform independent
- MIT license
Similar to Qt's resource system sqlfs uses an URL like prefix to route file system access to sqlfs: sql:/<database name>/<table name>/
// Open a database with an explicit connection name
QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE", "fsdb");
// Install sqlfs' file engine into Qt's factory
SqlFileEngineHandler fileEngine();
// Use the file system as usual
QFile data("sql:/fsdb/fstable/output.txt");
if (data.open(QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Truncate)) {
QTextStream out(&data);
out << "This is stored into the database";
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