Youtube Recommendation Modifier
A chrome extension that gives power:muscle: to the user to modify the YouTube homepage Recommendation in order to increase his/her productivity :sunglasses:. It is free of charge. We created because we badly needed it for our own use, and wanted to share it with the world 😊.
Most of the time we visit YouTube, we end up wasting a lot of time because of some addictive recommendations on the homepage. Youtube's algorithm is designed to make you addicted to short-time pleasure videos so as to increase your retention time on their platform 😨, but this extension will allow you to choose what categories you want to see 😋.
The aim of this extension is to get rid of such recommendations and let the user decide their feed.
It is very simple to use just select the categories which you want to have in your feed and click on submit.
This extension unlike other extensions doesn't remove the whole feed but only removes the categories of videos which the user dont want in their feed.
As of now the extension only works on the YouTube Homepage. We are continuously working to make it more user-friendly.
Just clone this repo and on your browser go to extensions and enable developer mode and tap 'Load Unpacked' and select the cloned repo to test our beta version.
Soon this will be published on Google CHrome Webstore, Microsoft Edge Add-ons & Firefox Add-ons.
Feel free to open any issue or PR's for any feature suggestion or bug fixing. For any clarification or for any suggestions please fill out this GForm.
Anything else? Send us some ❤️ [email protected]