A tool to visualize and modify functions that act in both the real and complex planes.
- Add a is_complex function to ast
- Function customization
- Dynamic/Playable sliders
- Mouse hints/point data/text to screen
- Optimize parser
- fix discontinuities
- Grid mode
A non-exhaustive checklist on what is needed to complete this project:
- Boilerplate JS and WASM interfacing.
- Research and impl. structs to handle tokens, preferablly easily expandible
- Scanner for lexemes in evaluation.
- Evaluator to to create tokens to use.
- Impliment Recursive Descent Parser or the shunting yard algorithim to build and AST from tokens.
- Global variables and variable assignment, with multiple assignment
- Function handling, arbitrary amount of arguments
- Complex number input, i operator and basic complex functions via vectors
- Complex trig operators, with the mclauren series used as an approximation around a specificly defined point.
- Wasm & Js Rendering using HTML5 canvas, currently thinking rendering with Js
- Drawing an infinitely resizable and moveble grid, containerized for multiple instances in the future
- Calculating an output 2d vector array from an input 2d vector array using AST (or other method of function representation) given a range and percision determined by the grid's view window in WASM.1
- Rendering a series of points and line from the 2d vector array by only graphing the reals
- Being able to select the coordinate space of the output for different views
- Multiple views that move simultaneously of the output data (calculate once, render n-times)
- Better input, n-many input boxes
- KaTeX rendering of input/evaluated expression for better looking results
- 3D grid rendering for more types of complex ouput visualization.
- Lua/Pyton based scripting api for changing things
Note: I am writing this project alongside learning Rust, so in the event that I learn any new paridigms or design patterns that I want/need to impl. I will add them here:
- Debug "mode" to only compile console_log!'s when told.
- Canvas modification via wasm
- canvas compositing and instantiation for each function.
[1] This means that when using functions based on the mclauren series, the center of the graph is the a point, and all calculations of surrounding points are passed through that in order to cut down on making a new approximating function for each entry in the array.