Internet of Hives is a DIY bee hive monitoring solution
IoH consists of three components:
The Hive Monitor: Based on Xiao nrf52840/nrf52840 sense series of microcontrollers AHT10(20?) and/or BMP280 environmental sensors (Still doing some proto-typing) Rechargeable Lion battery 5V Solar panel
The Apiary Monitor: Based on NEXTION 915 LoRa/WiFi/BLE Esp32 ( Rechargeable Lion Battery 5V Solar Panel
Analytics Portal: Web Based analytics portal that collects information from the Apiary Monitor Grafana Based Designed to be run on RPi or lightweight linux lampstack
4/14/2023 Initial phases of discovery
Taking a crash course in Arduino BLE as well as other aspects (battery charging, data logging, Web Software dev) Initial setup of the repo and structure.