It's used by Vesta Protocol V1, this is our wrapper system that allows us to support multiple types of oracles easily.
The logic behind OraclePriceFetch is based on three major contracts
- PriceFeedV2
- OracleWrappers
- OracleVerificatorV1
Is the request handler, The protocol will ask this contract to get the price value of a token
Each wrapper are an extentions of BaseWrapper. This is where the magic happens, we create a Oracle Wrapper to support a specific type of External Oracle.
Our security contract. It will verify the response of the primary and secondary oracles. Then define the "valid" price based on our check.
To be eligible to our system, your oracle should have the following functions / datas [VIEW ONLY]
- [Requried] Current Price
- [Required] Last Price
- [Optional but highly recommended] Last Update Time: When was the last update on the oracle.
- [Optional] Decimals: What decimals are you using for the oracle.