This tool is written to download the binaries, untar, make a .conf file in the home directory & sync the node. It will restart the node after every x amount of blocks.
This to make sure all blocks are saved if memory is a problem and blocks don't get saved when a crash happens. If the node crashes during syncing, this tool will restart the node and continue with the sync
- Go 1.10 or 1.11
Installation instructions can be found here: It is recommended to add
to yourPATH
at this point.
cd ~/go/src/
cd viacoin-node-setup
dep ensure
dep is a dependency management tool for Go. It requires Go 1.9 or newer to compile.
You can run the app by using the following command:
go run main.go
Or you can build the binary with the following command
go build main.go
This will produce a binary called "main" wich you can rename and for example upload on the server with scp as example. With the compiled binary, your linux server/vps does not need the dependency's. The server/VPS that will run the binary does not need to have Golang installed at all.
The machine that will compile does need Golang installed and all dependency's (use dep).
This tool is released under the terms of the MIT license. See COPYING for more information or see