This repository contains codes and sample data for English knowledge extraction from Friends captions.
- KEMA(Konan English Morphology Analyzer)
- KEPT(Konan English Pos Tagger)
- PCRE library
$ make
Each Friends caption entry must be given in a single line as following format similar to that of CSV.
- period_num: period number
- start_time: period start time
- end_time: period end time
- speaker: caption speaker
- caption: English caption
- Example
6,0:01:08,0:01:11,Monica,Okay, everybody relax. This is not even a date.
See the file "dat/input" for more examples.
The extracted knowledge is a JSON array consists of caption analysis objects. The object is represented as following format.
"period_num": "period number",
"start_time": "period start time",
"end_time": "period end time",
"speaker": "caption speaker",
"caption": "English caption",
"results": [
"pred": "predicate",
"args": [ "argument", ... ]
- Example
"period_num": "6",
"start_time": "0:01:08",
"end_time": "0:01:11",
"speaker": "Monica",
"caption": "Okay, everybody relax. This is not even a date.",
"results": [
"pred": "is not",
"args": [ "This", "even a date" ]
See the file "dat/output.json" for more examples.
- Usage
kene data-path config-file input-file output-file
'config-file', 'input-file' and 'output-file' must be relative to 'data-path'.
- Example
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./lib:./lib/pcre:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
$ ./bin/kene dat kene.rc input output.json
See the file "" for the running example.
See the file "dat/kene.rc" for the example of KENE configuration.
This work was supported by Institute for Information & communications Technology Promotion(IITP) grant funded by the Korea government(MSIT) (2017-0-01780, The technology development for event recognition/relational reasoning and learning knowledge based system for video understanding)