Use an API data and output API data into Bootstrap4 cards.
version: 0.0.134
Author: Vernard Mercader
Credit: Samer Buna
Keywords: React,Express,Node,Webpack,Babel,Axios,Bootstrap4
I'm going to build an environment using NodeJS, Express and Webpack, then React-away from there. The goal for this small react Module is to use a simple Method that grabs API AJAX data and output an API "Document" as a card containing information to a specific unique key. I'll be using Bootstrap4 framework—through react—designing the UI, and the API will be from GitHub. The module is simple: it consists of a textbox and a submit button that will accept a valid GitHub username (and displays an error alert If the user name is invalid), and on user execution, it will display a rectangular card containing the GitHub User's Profile Name, Profile Company, Link to the GitHub Profile, and their Avatar Image.
To start the project in Node:
npm -y init
Install necessities
npm install --save express react react-dom
npm install --save-dev webpack webpack-cli babel-loader @babel/core @babel/preset-react @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties html-webpack-plugin
After initialisation, creating the entry point (start.js (others like it app.js))
Additionally, run the following:
npm i --save-dev clean-webpack-plugin
npm install jquery
npm install --save-dev jquery popper.js
npm install bootstrap
npm i --save-dev react-bootstrap
npm install less
npm i --save-dev less-loader
npm i --save-dev css-loader style-loader postcss-loader
npm i --save-dev autoprefixer cssnano
npm i --save-dev mini-css-extract-plugin
npm i --save-dev less-plugin-clean-css
npm i --save-dev file-loader
npm i --save-dev terser-webpack-plugin
npm i --save-dev axios
##Running the Module
To compile the build, run
npm run build
npx webpack
To preview the build using a Localhost server, run
node start.js
Maybe in later a version, I can:
- Add Transitions/Animations
- Selectively remove a card from the display
- remove all cards button (reset)