Currently under development.
FacebookInAppBrowser uses the InAppBrowser Phonegap plugin and localStorage. Does not require any SDK from Facebook or other libraries.
This repo is based on this question and answer and on this repo using ChildBrowser
Until now "Login", "Logout", "Invite(Request)" "getInfo(/me)" and "getPermissions(/id/permissions)" are available.
FacebookInAppBrowser is under development.
Phonegap v2.8 up to 3.0
To use FacebookInAppBrowser you need to follow these steps:
- Enable InAppBrowser in your Phonegap application as described in "InAppBrowser - Accessing the Feature". Instructions are the same for 2.8 up to 3.0 except for the command line interface. If you have 3.0 you need to install the InAppBrowser plugin trough the command line.
- Enable Storage in your Phonegap application as described in "Storage - Accessing the Feature". If you have 3.0 Storage is enabled by default.
- Download the 'phonegap.facebook.inappbrowser.js' file and place it inside your project (for example in www/js/)
- In your index.html place a script tag calling the javascript file:
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/phonegap.facebook.inappbrowser.js"></script>
- You should have your main javascript file (also called in a script tag in your index.html). In it just configure and call FacebookInAppBrowser as the example below.
// Settings
FacebookInAppBrowser.settings.appId = '123456789';
FacebookInAppBrowser.settings.redirectUrl = '';
FacebookInAppBrowser.settings.permissions = 'email';
// Login(accessToken will be stored trough localStorage in 'accessToken');
var loginSuccessCallback = function() {
alert('Login successful');
loginUnknowErrorCallback = function() {
alert('Do you want to try again?');
userIdCallback = function() {
// after the login is finished the getInfo() function is called in order to store the user id
// if you want to do something with the user id right after we have it, use this third callback
FacebookInAppBrowser.login(loginSuccessCallback, loginUnknowErrorCallback, userIdCallback);
// Invite friends
FacebookInAppBrowser.invite('Get to know my app!', function(response) {
if(response) {
// Same logic of callbacks
FacebookInAppBrowser.getInfo(function(response) {
if(response) {
var name =,
id =,
gender = response.gender;
// check the response object to see all available data like email, first name, last name, etc
FacebookInAppBrowser.getPermissions(function(permissions) {
if(permissions) {
console.log(permissions.publish_actions, permissions);
// Logout
FacebookInAppBrowser.logout(function() {
If you are using jQuery or similar you can use it like:
// callbacks already defined
$('#login').click(function() {
FacebookInAppBrowser.login(loginSuccessCallback, loginUnknowErrorCallback, userIdCallback);
$('#invite').click(function() {
FacebookInAppBrowser.invite(inviteText, callback);
$('#bye').click(function() {