Hey Everyone!! This is a demo app for Laravel Cashier setup which integrates the Stripe Payment Gateway with a Laravel app. The key features of the app are:
- SPA: This app is built on top of Angular using Angular inbuilt routing features making it a Single Page Application
- Material UI: In the app, we've used Angular Material library components to make the UI interactive and applealing by following the material2 guidelines.
- Frontend and Backend Authentication: It supports both frontend and backend authentication, we store the authenticated user in SessionStorage for frontend authentication.
- Stripe Payment Gateway: The app incorporates the stripe payment gateway in it to purchase any of the three items mentioned in the dashboard page.
Pages: The app basically contains 6 pages:
- The landing page to guide user either to login or to register.
- The register page to register a user.
- The login page to authenticate a registered user.
- The dashboard page to show products.
- The stripe payment gateway page to pay.
- The my-profile page to access the authenticated user-profile.
Installation: To install and run it in your local server, you need to:
- Install a local server(xampp preferably).
- Start the apache/ngnix and mysql local server.
- Create a database named laravel_stripe in db.
- open the project in a text-editor(e.g VSCode).
- Open the terminal
- run composer install
- run npm install
- Make an env file(you may pick one from laravel basic project and adjust it according to your needs).
- Create an Stripe dev account and get Stripe public and private keys and mention it in your env file.
- run php artisan migrate
- run php artisan serve
Feel free to contact me if you get any issues at [email protected]