Go wrapper for SQL and NoSQL dbs. Separate interface for SQL and NoSQL Datastores. Use Mantle's pooling to monitor all interactions to external strores. Idea is to monitir all external datastore interactions thorugh a common pool and strictly moniter that.
- Currently using miniminal vitess pool as a common connection pool.
- If this pool is unable to serve some complex fuctionality, datastores' pool would be used extending methods like get(), return_to_pool() and get_active().
go get github.com/goibibo/mantle
package main
import (
func main(){
//sample data
keyValue := map[string]interface{}{"key1":"val1", "key2":"val2", "key3":"val3"}
//extra params to be passed to connection
options := map[string]string{"db":"1"}
hostNPort := []string{"localhost:6379"}
orm := mantle.Orm{Driver: "redis", HostAndPorts: hostNPort}
//selecting a particular db
orm := mantle.Orm{Driver: "redis", HostAndPorts: hostNPort, Options: options}
//default "localhost:6379 is used when hostAndPort is not passed"
//orm := mantle.Orm{Driver: "redis"}
//this connects to redis at localhost:6379 by default
//orm := mantle.Orm{}
connection := orm.NewNoSQL()
fmt.Println(connection.Set("key", "value2")) //output: true
fmt.Println(connection.Get("key")) //value2
fmt.Println(connection.Delete("key")) //1
fmt.Println(connection.Get("key")) //""
fmt.Println(connection.MSet(keyValue)) //true
fmt.Println(connection.MGet("key3", "key2")) //[val3 val2]
connection.Expire("key", 1)
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
fmt.Println(connection.Get("key")) //""
/*Execute any redis command*/
connection.Execute("LPUSH", "test", "a")
connection.Execute("LPUSH", "test", "b")
connection.Execute("LPUSH", "test", "c")
values, _ := connection.Execute("LRANGE", "test", 0, -1)
fmt.Println(values) //[[99] [98] [97]]
connection.Setex("key", 1, "value")
fmt.Println(connection.Get("key")) //value
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
fmt.Println(connection.Get("key")) //""
//For MySQL
//DB query
query := "select * from flight_controllerdata"
connections := []string{"root:@tcp("}
//Create mantle Driver with settings
orm := mantle.Orm{Driver: "mysql", HostAndPorts: connections}
// Create a new connection
conn := orm.NewMySQL()
//Get query response and print
response, _ := conn.Select(query)