A good commit is atomic. It should describe only one change and not more.
A commit message consists of 3 parts:
- shortlog
- Maximum of 50 characters
- Should describe the change - the action being done in the commit.
- Should have a tag and a short description separated by a colon (:)
- Tag
- The file or class or package being modified.
- Not mandatory.
- Short Description
- Starts with a capital letter.
- Written in imperative present tense (i.e. Add something, not Adding something or Added something).
- No trailing period.
- Commit body
- Maximum of 72 chars excluding newline for each line.
- Not mandatory - but helps explain what you’re doing.
- Should describe the reasoning for your changes. This is especially important for complex changes that are not self explanatory. This is also the right place to write about related bugs.
- First person should not be used here.
- Issue reference (Optional)
- Example:
Fixes https://github.com/LambdaIITH/Dashboard/issues/69
- Example:
route.js: Add routes for new academic portal
This adds routes for the academic portal containing AIMS Authentication and Parsers.
Fixes https://github.com/LambdaIITH/Dashboard/issues/69