A common platform for a campus. An easily accessible resource host which has curated content, relevant posts, common community-contributed portals for course reviews, timetables, share auto/taxi, in-campus event calendar; Literally everything that is relevant for your campus, in one place.
We are using MEAN.js for Dashboard. Here are some basics if you want to learn:
You can try the current version by doing
npm start
or running /bin/www file using IDEs, like Webstorm: https://www.jetbrains.com/webstorm/
Github repo instructions:
- Those who have less experience with git: https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo/
- Pull requests with good commits after review
- An .md file for checking the work that is assigned.
Parts of project as now are as listed:
- AIMS auth-linking and parsing
- Acadamics hub: all acads related info in one place.
- Bus schedules: Bus schedules for the day displayed. Integrate with super-timetable and show optimal buses to catch with notifications.
- Notifications hub - Meant to replace email as the mode of delivering information to students. Can be organised into clubs, events etc. Events can also be integrated with custom timetable.
- Lost and found - One-stop for all lost-and-found announcements.
- Super Calendar - An integrated calendar with mess time tables, custom class timetable, club events, talks etc. Basically everything a person does in a day.
- Frontend + frontend scripting
- Rest of the Backend and Database management
We're on Slack - https://dashboard-lambda.slack.com/signup
Choose your part and start working in the respective channel! If you have any ideas put them in #ideas, we will discuss it.