Who Dis? tool will help you find the approximate geographic location of an IP address along with some other useful information including Country Code, Country Name, Region Name, City Name, Latitude, Longitude, ZIP Code, Time Zone, ISP, Domain, Latitude, IDD Code, Area Code, Weather Station Code, Weather Station Name, Mobile Brand, Elevation,Usage Type etc.
Enter the IP address or the host name you want to locate and press "Get Details" button, it uses ajax call to submit and retrieve form data, which should typically takes less than few seconds, depending on your connection speed
IP address location information is being provided by ip2location. The information provided by them have their own copyright and usage policy. please visit their website for more information. In this iteration, I've used ip2location, in future it may subject to change. Please note that I have no connection whatsoever with folks at ip2location nor I'm promoting them nor I get any profit.
You should get an API KEY by registering with them. you can use API KEY: demo for testing purposes.