New features
Added the
option. This allows to specify an interpolation shape in the form of an
. All connection methods have also been updated to receive ashape
argument to set theEnv
for the specific connection. Check theExamples/AlgaNode/10_InterpShape.scd
below:( Alga.boot({ a = AlgaNode( { SinOsc.ar(\freq.kr(440)) }, interpTime: 3, interpShape: Env([0, 1, 0.5, 1], [1, 0.5, 1]) ).play }) ) //The connection will use the Env declared in interpShape a <<.freq 220; //Temporary Env (standard ramp) a.from(880, \freq, shape: Env([0, 1])) //Using the original interpShape a <<.freq 440;
Added multithreading support. Now, if booting
, it will automatically
parallelize the arrangement of the nodes over the CPU cores. Check the
below://The code to test ( c = { var reverb; //Definition of a bank of 50 sines AlgaSynthDef(\sines, { Mix.ar(Array.fill(50, { SinOsc.ar(Rand(200, 1000)) * 0.002 })) }).add; s.sync; //A reverb effect reverb = AlgaNode({ FreeVerb1.ar(\in.ar) }).play(chans: 2); //50 separated banks of 50 sine oscillators. //Their load will be spread across multiple CPU cores. 50.do({ var bank = AlgaNode(\sines); reverb <<+ bank; }); //Print CPU usage fork { loop { ("CPU: " ++ s.avgCPU.asStringPrec(4) ++ " %").postln; 1.wait; } } } ) //Boot Alga with the supernova server //Alga will automatically spread the load across multiple CPU cores. Alga.boot(c, algaServerOptions: AlgaServerOptions(supernova: true, latency: 1)); //Boot Alga with the standard scsynth server. //Note the higher CPU usage as the load is only on one CPU core. Alga.boot(c, algaServerOptions: AlgaServerOptions(latency: 1))
Added support for using the same
for bothAlgaNodes
://1 ( Alga.boot({ AlgaSynthDef(\test, { SinOsc.ar(\freq.kr(440)) }, sampleAccurate: true).add; s.sync; //a = AN(\test).play; b = AP(( def: \test, amp: AlgaTemp({ EnvPerc.ar(\atk.kr(0.01), \rel.kr(0.25), \curve.kr(-2), 0) }, sampleAccurate: true), dur: 0.5, )).play(chans:2) }); ) //2 ( Alga.boot({ y = AP(( def: { SinOsc.ar(\freq.kr(440)) * \amp.kr(1) }, amp: AlgaTemp({ EnvPerc.kr(\atk.kr(0.01), \rel.kr(0.25), \curve.kr(-2), 0) }), dur: 0.5, )).play(chans:2) }) ) //3 ( Alga.boot({ y = AP(( def: { SinOsc.ar(\freq.kr(440)) }, amp: Pseq([ AlgaTemp({ EnvPerc.ar(\atk.kr(0.01), \rel.kr(0.25), \curve.kr(-2), 0) * 0.25 }, sampleAccurate: true), AlgaTemp({ EnvPerc.ar(\atk.kr(0.001), \rel.kr(0.1), \curve.kr(-2), 0) * 0.25 }, sampleAccurate: true), ], inf), freq: Pwhite(440, 880), dur: Pwhite(0.01, 0.2), )).play(chans:2) }) )
Added support for
sustain / stretch / legato
://1 ( Alga.boot({ a = AP(( def: { SinOsc.ar * EnvGen.ar(Env.adsr, \gate.kr) }, //user can use \gate sustain: Pseq([1, 2], inf), //reserved keyword dur: 3 )).play }) ) //2 ( Alga.boot({ a = AP(( def: { SinOsc.ar }, amp: AlgaTemp({ EnvGen.ar(Env.adsr, \gate.kr) }, sampleAccurate: true), sustain: Pseq([1, 2], inf), dur: 3 )).play }) ) //3 ( Alga.boot({ a = AP(( def: { SinOsc.ar(\freq.kr(440)) * EnvGen.kr(Env.adsr(\atk.kr(0.01), \del.kr(0.3), \sus.kr(0.5), \rel.kr(1.0)), \gate.kr, doneAction: 2) * \amp.kr(0.5) }, dur: 4, freq: Pseed(1, Pexprand(100.0, 800.0).round(27.3)), amp: Pseq([0.3, 0.2], inf), //sustain: 4, legato: Pseq([1, 0.5], inf), rel: 0.1, callback: { |ev| ev.postln }, )).sustainToDur_(true).play }) ) //Same as: ( Alga.boot({ a = AP(( def: { SinOsc.ar(\freq.kr(440)) * EnvGen.kr(Env.adsr(\atk.kr(0.01), \del.kr(0.3), \sus.kr(0.5), \rel.kr(1.0)), \gate.kr, doneAction: 2) * \amp.kr(0.5) }, dur: 4, freq: Pseed(1, Pexprand(100.0, 800.0).round(27.3)), amp: Pseq([0.3, 0.2], inf), sustain: 4, legato: Pseq([1, 0.5], inf), rel: 0.1, callback: { |ev| ev.postln }, )).play }) )
Added the
class. This class allows to schedule actions not on a specific beat,
but at a specific "pattern trigger" that will happen in the future:( Alga.boot({ a = AlgaPattern(( def: { SinOsc.ar(\freq.ar(440)) * EnvPerc.ar * 0.5 }, dur: 1 )).play }) ) //Schedule 2 triggers from now a.from(Pseq([220, 880], inf), \freq, time: 1, sched: AlgaStep(2)) //Schedule at the next trigger a.from(Pseq([0.5, 0.25], inf), \dur, sched: AlgaStep(0))
Added the
class. This allows to quickly defineAlgaNodes
in a fashion that
is similar to SC'sProxySpace
. Check the help files and the Examples folder for a deeper look at all of its features.p = AlgaProxySpace.boot; //A simple node ~a = { SinOsc.ar(100) }; //Use it as FM input for another node ~b.play(chans:2); ~b.interpTime = 2; ~b.playTime = 0.5; ~b = { SinOsc.ar(\freq.ar(~a).range(200, 400)) }; //Replace ~a = { SinOsc.ar(440) }; //New connection as usual ~b.from({ LFNoise1.ar(100) }, \freq, time:3)
, a new way to trigger and dispatchAlgaPatterns
:( Alga.boot({ //Define and start an AlgaPatternPlayer ~player = AlgaPatternPlayer(( dur: Pwhite(0.2, 0.7), freq: Pseq([440, 880], inf) )).play; //Use ~player for both indexing values and triggering the pattern ~pattern = AP(( def: { SinOsc.ar(\freq.kr + \freq2.kr) * EnvPerc.ar }, freq: ~player[\freq], freq2: ~player.read({ | freq | if(freq == 440, { freq * 2 }, { 0 }) }), ), player: ~player).play; }) ) //Interpolation still works ~pattern.from(~player.({ | freq | freq * 0.5 }), \freq, time: 5) //.value == .read ~pattern.from(~player.({ | freq | freq * 2 }), \freq2, time: 5) //Modify dur ~player.from(0.5, \dur, sched: AlgaStep(3)) //If modifying player, the interpolation is still triggered on the children ~player.from(Pseq([330, 660], inf), \freq, time: 5) //Removing a player stops the pattern triggering ~pattern.removePlayer;