- Have an account on Docker Hub
- Have Docker installed
- Have docker-compose installed
- Do not have services running on the ports (9191, 8080 and 2222)
We will provide a docker image for you, this image will have an enviroment like we have on VIX. It will have:
- GITEA - software development version control.
- Drone - Continuos Integration/Continuos Delivery
- SSH - Secure Shell
In order to proceed here you have to have all the requirements.
git clone https://github.com/vixtech/backend-test.git
Inside the project directory.
docker-compose up
- Gitea (User: candidate, Password: changeit)
The Gitea works like GitHub, you will use the provided user/password to login, and there you will have a repository with some issues to resolve. We expect that you create 1 Pull Request per issue. When all tests of the Pull Request CI/CD pass you can merge the PR yourself. We also expect that you match the PR in the issue and may update the issue with additional info.
Drone is our CI/CD application, it will run the pipeline for all commit we push to the repo.
Commit the available container by just executing this command:
Change the change-here-for-your-docker-hub-username
for your docker-hub username
docker commit $(docker ps | grep backend-test | awk '{print $1}') change-here-for-your-docker-hub-username/backend-test
Then make a docker login:
docker login
Then push the image.
Change the change-here-for-your-docker-hub-username
for your docker-hub username
docker push change-here-for-your-docker-hub-username/backend-test
Send us back the name of your image, like:
- drone cookie error (just clear the site data)