With pyorastats you can easy create a dashboard with graphite and grafana
usage: ora_system_stats.py [-h] [-f {cacti,collectd}] {ASM,TBS,PHYSIO,ACTV,CURS,WAITS,ALL} ...
stats arguments:
- ASM Get stats from ASM disks
- TBS Get stats from tablespaces
- PHYSIO Get physical IO stats
- ACTV Get database activity stats
- CURS Get database cursors stats
- WAITS Get database waits stats
- ALL Get all database stats
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f {cacti,collectd}, --format {cacti,collectd} Output format, default collectd
Now if you want send this metrics to graphite need to complete your collectd config with this new 2 sections:
LoadPlugin exec
<Plugin exec>
Exec collectd "python" "/path/to/ora_system_stats.py" "ALL" "-u" "system" "-p" "passwd" "-s" "SID"
LoadPlugin write_graphite
<Plugin write_graphite>
<Node "graphitehost">
Host "localhost"
Port "2003"
Protocol "tcp"
LogSendErrors true
Prefix "collectd."
Screenshot grafana dashboard https://lnxnet.es/oracle-dashboard-with-graphite-collectd-and-pyorastats.html