piWallet is a popular secure opensource online altcoin wallet that works with practically any altcoin. piWallet uses PHP, mySQL, JavaScript and Bootstrap meaning it's quite simple to setup.
Setup: https://github.com/johnathanmartin/piWallet/wiki/Installation
TODO: Add a step in the wiki explaining to copy settings-example.php into a new file settings.php and then change the values.
Bitcoin Talk Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=911212
Please exercise EXTREME CAUTION when having a 3rd party install piWallet, please see https://fittechhosting.com/cryptocurrency for approved installation/piWallet hosting services.
I can be reached directly at [email protected]
Manual User Reserve
QR Codes use a local generation URL
Multilanguage support for over 90% of text - Currently supported languages include English, Greek, Mandarin, Hindi, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Tagalog.
QR Codes for Addresses
Google 2 Factor Auth
Mobile App (Additional Addon - see https://FitTechHosting.com/cryptocurrency )
Fee Sent to Wallet Owner (Included w/ Hosting - https://FitTechHosting.com/cryptocurrency)
Planned Features:
Have QR Codes open in lightbox instead of new tab
Control of Private Keys
Improved Bootstrap Theme
Todo List:
Issue #78 - PHP Juggling
Issue #82 - Strip tags bug
Issue #83 - change default password from changeme
Issue #36 Stop using md5
Change background from ugly yellow
More Information:
Created by Johnathan Martin of FitTechHosting.com
Use the following tutorial to setup a web wallet for a Scrypt PoW/PoS coin.
Make sure that you have the following requirements.
- A server or VPS.
- A domain. (This tutorial uses the domain example.com)
- A hostname pointed to your VPS. (This tutorial uses the hostname wallet.example.com)
Update your Ubuntu machine.
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade
Install the required dependencies.
sudo apt-get install libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-thread-dev libdb-dev libdb++-dev libminiupnpc-dev git nano
Go to your home directory.
cd $HOME
Note: replace “examplecoin” with the name of your coin. Note: replace “6gs39011kick8xmqutpkrvi92xx5kwev4ykanlv1ls0ouuae5x” with the coinID of your coin.
Download the daemon from MyCoin. (Available for a paid coin)
wget "https://dl.walletbuilders.com/download?customer=6gs39011kick8xmqutpkrvi92xx5kwev4ykanlv1ls0ouuae5x&filename=examplecoin-daemon-linux.tar.gz" -O examplecoin-daemon-linux.tar.gz
Extract the tar files.
tar -xzvf examplecoin-daemon-linux.tar.gz
Install the daemon and tools.
sudo mv examplecoind /usr/bin/
Create the config file.
mkdir $HOME/.examplecoin nano $HOME/.examplecoin/examplecoin.conf
Paste the following lines in examplecoin.conf.
rpcuser=rpc_examplecoin rpcpassword=CQRMSKLFUikEppUzKNbR7tGFKPMq3zhlS3eBUp2f rpcallowip= listen=1 server=1 txindex=1 daemon=1 enableaccounts=1 staking=0
Start your daemon with the following command.
Show your donate address.
examplecoind getaccountaddress "donate"
Example output
Keep note of the donate address.
Install PHP 5.6. sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ondrej/php sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install git apache2 php5.6 php5.6-mysql php5.6-gd libapache2-mod-php5.6 mysql-server
Go to your home directory.
cd $HOME
Download piWallet.
sudo git clone https://github.com/johnathanmartin/piWallet/
Move piWallet to the www directory.
sudo mv piWallet/* /var/www/html/
Open MySQL.
sudo mysql
Create the database “wallet”.
Note: replace the value “Ee4cxBN6VaThkAr4fKigzWR7veDPZlvU1dVzYg4H” with a unique password. Create the database user.
CREATE USER 'wallet_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'Ee4cxBN6VaThkAr4fKigzWR7veDPZlvU1dVzYg4H';
Give the user “wallet_user” rights to the database “wallet”.
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON wallet.* TO 'wallet_user'@'localhost';
Open the database “wallet”.
USE wallet;
Copy and paste the content of the file users.sql.
Close mysql.
Create Google reCAPTCHA keys Open a new tab in your browser and go to https://www.google.com/recaptcha
Login with your Google account.
To register a new site, click the plus sign in the top right corner.
Register new site Google reCAPTCHA Fill-in the form.
Label - A label to identify your site.
reCAPTCHA type - Select the option “reCAPTCHA v2”.
Domains - Enter the domain that you will use to access your web wallet.
Register new site Google reCAPTCHA example form Accept the reCAPTCHA Terms of Service and click on the button “submit” to register your site. Your reCAPTCHA site and secret key will be visible on the next page once the site is registered.
Example reCAPTCHA keys.
Google reCAPTCHA example keys
Configure piWallet Create the settings file.
sudo cp /var/www/html/settings-example.php /var/www/html/settings.php
Open the settings file.
sudo nano /var/www/html/settings.php
Change the marked values.
$db_user - Change the value “root” with the value “wallet_user”.
$db_pass - Change the value “password” with the MySQL password of the user “wallet_user”.
$rpc_port - Change the value “8332” with the RPC port of your coin.
$rpc_user - Change the value “bitcoinrpc” with the RPC username of your coin.
$rpc_pass - Change the value “Cp68nBkCAADKkskaKSskaDKdmSYLtLJ” with the RPC password of your coin.
$fullname - Change the value “Bitcoin” with the name of your coin.
$short - Change the value “BTC” with the abbreviation of your coin.
$blockchain_tx_url - Change the value “http://blockchain.info/tx/” with the URL to your block explorer.
$support - Change the value “[email protected]” with your support email address.
$donation_address - Fill in your donate address.
$public - Change the value “Recaptcha_publickey_here” with your reCAPTCHA site key.
$secret - Change the value “Recaptcha_privatekey_here” with your reCAPTCHA secret key.
Original settings.php.
$db_host = "localhost"; $db_user = "root"; $db_pass = "password"; $db_name = "wallet";
$rpc_host = ""; $rpc_port = "8332"; $rpc_user = "bitcoinrpc"; $rpc_pass = "Cp68nBkCAADKkskaKSskaDKdmSYLtLJ";
$fullname = "Bitcoin"; //Website Title (Do Not include 'wallet') $short = "BTC"; //Coin Short (BTC) $blockchain_tx_url = "http://blockchain.info/tx/"; //Blockchain Url $support = "[email protected]"; //Your support eMail $hide_ids = array(1); //Hide account from admin dashboard $donation_address = ""; //Donation Address
$reserve = "0"; //Recaptcha $public = "Recaptcha_publickey_here"; $secret = "Recaptcha_privatekey_here";
Example settings.php.
$db_host = "localhost"; $db_user = "wallet_user"; $db_pass = "Ee4cxBN6VaThkAr4fKigzWR7veDPZlvU1dVzYg4H"; $db_name = "wallet";
$rpc_host = ""; $rpc_port = "5303"; $rpc_user = "rpc_examplecoin"; $rpc_pass = "CQRMSKLFUikEppUzKNbR7tGFKPMq3zhlS3eBUp2f";
$fullname = "Examplecoin"; //Website Title (Do Not include 'wallet') $short = "EXP"; //Coin Short (BTC) $blockchain_tx_url = "https://example.com/tx/"; //Blockchain Url $support = "[email protected]"; //Your support eMail $hide_ids = array(1); //Hide account from admin dashboard $donation_address = "TLWgVeFEUJyWrRW7jccU5oh9j3i65ohQne"; //Donation Address
$reserve = "0"; //Recaptcha $public = "6Ld4xbIUAAAAAAOPOy-LXu6PPXsgHCFoEwmNM23S"; $secret = "6Ld4xbIUAAAAAJEyaKkZV0TSccnwFTEpZMh987KK";
Save the settings file.
Remove the default index.html file.
sudo rm /var/www/html/index.html
Install Let’s Encrypt.
sudo add-apt-repository universe && sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install certbot python-certbot-apache
Create a SSL certificate.
sudo certbot --apache
Enter your support email address.
Enter email address (used for urgent renewal and security notices) (Enter 'c' to cancel): [email protected]
Agree with the Let's Encrypt Terms of Service.
Please read the Terms of Service at https://letsencrypt.org/documents/LE-SA-v1.2-November-15-2017.pdf. You must agree in order to register with the ACME server at https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory
(A)gree/(C)ancel: Press a and enter to agree to the Terms of Service.
Agree to share your email address with Let's Encrypt.
Would you be willing to share your email address with the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a founding partner of the Let's Encrypt project and the non-profit organization that develops Certbot? We'd like to send you email about our work encrypting the web, EFF news, campaigns, and ways to support digital freedom.
(Y)es/(N)o: Press n and enter to not share your email address.
Enter the hostname of your server.
No names were found in your configuration files. Please enter in your domain name(s) (comma and/or space separated) (Enter 'c' to cancel): wallet.example.com
Redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS.
Please choose whether or not to redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS, removing HTTP access.
1: No redirect - Make no further changes to the webserver configuration. 2: Redirect - Make all requests redirect to secure HTTPS access. Choose this for new sites, or if you're confident your site works on HTTPS. You can undo this change by editing your web server's configuration.
Select the appropriate number [1-2] then [enter] (press 'c' to cancel): Press 2 and enter to redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS.
Test your SSL configuration at: https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=wallet.example.com
Test if you SSL certificate can be renewed using the following command:
sudo certbot renew --dry-run
Start a browser on your computer and open the page https://wallet.example.com
Use the following credentials to login.
Username - piWallet Password - changeme
Note: Immediately change the password “changeme” with a strong and unique password.