Disclaimer: This is a work in progress. XPath is not completely implemented, and the XML parser is slow.
Provides an XML parser, and type classes and combinators for encoding and decoding XML.
import Data.XML (parseXML)
xml :: Either String XML
xml = parseXML "<program><hello/><world/></program>"
Given the following XML...
... We can decode the above into another value by implementing the decodeXML :: XML -> Either String a
function from the Data.XML.Decode
type class.
Data is extracted from XML using XPath
queries. Currently, only LocationPath expressions, child axes, name tests, and
text node tests are supported.
import Control.Applicative (pure)
import Control.Bind (bind)
import Data.List (List)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe)
import Data.XML (class DecodeXML, decodeXML, (?>), (??>), (?>>))
newtype User = User
{ id :: String
, login_attempts :: Int
, name :: String
, photo :: Maybe String
, roles :: List String
instance decodeXmlUser :: DecodeXML User where
decodeXML xml = do
-- `?>` extracts the first decoded child node from xpath query results
id <- xml ?> "id/text()"
-- XML nodes selected by the xpath query are decoded to primitive types, in this case integer.
-- DecodeXML instances are provided for strings, numbers, and integers.
login_attempts <- xml ?> "login_attempts/text()"
name <- xml ?> "names/firstName/text()"
-- `??>` extracts the first child node from xpath query result as a maybe value
photo <- xml ??> "photo"
-- `?>>` returns the list of xpath query result nodes
roles <- xml ?>> "roles/role/text()"
pure (User { id, name, photo, roles })
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