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Hugging Face Plugins for FiftyOne 🤗 ➕ fiftyone icon

This repository contains a collection of plugins for the FiftyOne, which make it easier than ever to connect your models to your data.

In particular, the plugins in this repository make the functionality from the FiftyOne SDK's Hugging Face integration available directly within the FiftyOne App.

The plugins in this repository are:

  • @voxel51/huggingface_hub: A plugin that allows you to push FiftyOne datasets to the Hugging Face Hub, and load datasets from the Hub into FiftyOne.
  • @voxel51/transformers: A plugin that allows you to run inference on your datasets using Hugging Face Transformers models.


First, install the latest version of FiftyOne and Hugging Face libraries:

pip install -U fiftyone transformers huggingface_hub

Then, download the plugins:

fiftyone plugins download

To install just one of the plugins, you can specify the plugin name. For example, to install the @voxel51/transformers plugin:

fiftyone plugins download --plugin-names @voxel51/transfomers