This project involves the development of a simulation of a drone system using the block based editor in Xcos/Scilab platform. It was developed a part of my bachelor final year project.
We saw there was a lack of tools avaiable using which we can understand the internal workings of the simulation of a UAV System. Hence we devoted our time and energy to develop a block based model consisting of the various drone internal algorithms and systems such as motor mixing algorithms, PID Controller setup and tuning, autonomous navigation, data logging, power consumption, motor thrust modelling and the roll, pitch and yaw dynamics of the drone.
This article is still under construction. The work is done to an extent where a basic drone 3D simulation can be executed. We intented this tool for educational purposes when we were developing. As a starting point to simulation we are writing this article so that it explains the basic parts of the system and how it is implemented in the Xcos block based editor.