This document describes the Android Till Interface (ATI), which is one out of three different interfaces which are available to integrate with a Wallee terminal.
Android Till Interface (ATI): Integrators are recommended to use the Android Till Interface if their Till application is installed directly on an Android-based terminal running Wallee Payment Application. This way, the till app can directly talk to the terminal software (via android.os.Message) and exchange transaction objects via Till SDK library without consideration for Till Protocol details. The benefit is that one can use our Wallee Android Till SDK to interact with the terminal software. If the till app is not running on the terminal, then the Android Till Interface does not work.
Local Till Interface (LTI): Integrators should use the LTI if the till application connects to the terminal via a local area network. The most common use case is if the terminal and till are connected to the same LAN at the merchant's site. The benefit is a fast connection as both, the till application and the terminal device, are in the same local network. One drawback is that the terminal's IP address needs to be known. It is also possible to install till applications directly on the device and use LTI via localhost. Nevertheless, if a till application is installed on an Android terminal, then using the Android Till Interface (ATI) is recommended.
Cloud Till Interface (CTI): By using the cloud interface, an integrator can use a public reachable web API to integrate his application or web based service with a payment terminal. The benefit is that the till app does not need to know where the device is located and it works from any network. However, there is a higher delay compared to other integration methods because the communication happens via a central server.
Merchants that want to build their own Checkout/Till App to run on Android payment terminals like e.g. the A920pro
- Allows to integrate with Wallee Payment Application to trigger card payments without knowledge of till communication protocol
- Provides easy and quick integration with transaction classes and objects
The ApiClient class serves as the primary interface for performing till requests and checking SDK compatibility. Below are the available methods:
- checkApiServiceCompatibility: Verify SDK compatibility.
- authorizeTransaction: Perform purchase, credit, reservation and adjust reservation transactions.
- completeTransaction: Complete reservations.
- voidTransaction: Cancel reservations.
- cancelLastTransactionOperation: Cancel the last transaction.
- executeSubmission: Initiate submission.
- executeTransmission: Initiate transmission.
- executeFinalBalance: Perform final balance.
- executeGeneratePanToken: Generate a card PAN token.
- getPinPadInformation: Retrieve pinpad information (terminal ID, device serial number, space ID, merchant ID, and name).
- executeConfiguration: Initiate configuration request (siConfigRequest) .
- executeInitialisation: Initiate initialisation request (siInitRequest).
For more detailed information on using the SDK, please refer to the official SDK documentation. Documentation.
A minimal Example which performs a simple transaction is shown below. For a detailed example, have a look at our Till Sample App.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
public final static String TAG = "MainActivity";
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
//dummy example implementation of an API response handler
ResponseHandler responseHandler = new ResponseHandler() {
public void authorizeTransactionReply(TransactionResponse response) {
Log.i("Main", "authorizeTransactionReply: + transaction");
//create the client with a reference to the response handler
final ApiClient client = new ApiClient(responseHandler);
//and establish connection to API service
final Button btnTransaction = findViewById(;
btnTransaction.setOnClickListener(v -> {
Currency currency = Currency.getInstance("CHF");
BigDecimal amount = new BigDecimal("15.00");
List<LineItem> lineItems = new LineItem.ListBuilder("Widget A", amount).build();
Transaction transaction = new Transaction.Builder(lineItems).setInvoiceReference("IREF-123").setMerchantReference("MREF-123").setCurrency(currency).build();
try {
} catch (RemoteException ex) {
Log.e(TAG, "API call failed", ex);
To handle responses, extend the ResponseHandler
class from the Till SDK to receive requests' responses
- TransactionResponse
- TransactionCompletionResponse
- TransactionVoidResponse:
- CancelationResult:
- cancelLastTransactionOperation:
- SubmissionResult:
- TransmissionResult:
- FinalBalanceResult:
- GeneratePanTokenResponse:
- GetPinpadInformationResponse:
- GetConfigDataResponse:
class WalleeResponseHandler extends ResponseHandler {
private final Context context;
WalleeResponseHandler(Context context) {
this.context = context;
public void authorizeTransactionReply(TransactionResponse transactionResponse) {
Intent intent = new Intent(context, TransactionResponseActivity.class);
For merchants who want to limit device access to their application only, there is a possibility to configure device to such setting. The merchant application would require to define additional parameters in AndroidManifest.xml
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<action android:name="" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
For third-party applications which want to modify transactions before or after it is fully processed, there is a possibility to do so. Such an application needs to define additional parameters in AndroidManifest.xml
For intercepting transactions before it is processed:
<action android:name="" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
For intercepting transactions after it is processed:
<action android:name="" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
Such activity would get the transaction object with Intent
. The object can be retrieved with the help of the Utils
class, by using extras from this Intent
The activity will be started by the SDK itself when an appropriate processing step will occur.
The activity would also require sending the result back.
In case of success:
setResult(Activity.RESULT_OK, intentWithBundle);
And in case of error:
Copy and paste this inside your build.gradle
dependencies block.
Replace {version}
with the specific version number of the SDK you wish to use.
dependencies {
implementation '{version}'
To include the snapshot version, use the following:
dependencies {
implementation '{version}'
You need to update your project’s build.gradle
to include the new package repository.
Add the following to your allprojects
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
url ""
-keepattributes *Annotation*, Signature
-dontwarn sun.misc.**
-keep class * extends
-keep class * implements
-keep class * implements
-keep class * implements
-keepclassmembers,allowobfuscation class * { <fields>;
-keep class** { *; }
Bind for the logs:
Unbind for the logs:
TillLog.debug("VSD Start Transaction of amount -> " + amountString);
TillLog class supports all types of logs (Debug, Verbose, Warning etc).
Call method:
Call methods:
In devices running Android 10 (SDK version 29) or higher, it's important to allow the Android overlay permission (Allow display over other apps
). This permission is required to return to the third-party app after completing a transaction.
To implement overlay permission in your Android app:
- Include the
method in your codebase. - Call this method before initiating any transactions in your Android app.
- Once the permission is granted, your app is ready to execute transactions.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW" />
private void requestOverlayPermission() {
if (!Settings.canDrawOverlays(this)) {
Intent intent = new Intent(Settings.ACTION_MANAGE_OVERLAY_PERMISSION,
Uri.parse("package:" + getPackageName()));
startActivityForResult(intent, 0);
The Wallee Paydroid application serves as the home application on android devices, we strongly advise against using third-party apps as the home application.
At the current state, the Android Till Interface SDK supports only a subset of all requests provided by the LTI. The following LTI requests are supported:
- financialTrxRequest
- cancelReservationRequest
- reversalRequest
- miSubmissionRequest
- beTransmissionRequest
- beFinalBalanceRequest
- generatePanTokenRequest
- pinpadInformationRequest
- siConfigRequest
- siInitRequest