This module converts GeoJSON to EPANET INP file
npm install @watergis/geojson2inp
const {geojson2inp} = require('@watergis/geojson2inp');
const config = {
title: 'test', //title for the project name which is appeared in INP
geojson: {
junctions: __dirname + '/data/junctions.geojson', //required
pipes: __dirname + '/data/pipes.geojson', //required
pumps: __dirname + '/data/pumps.geojson', //optional
reservoirs: __dirname + '/data/reservoirs.geojson', //optional
tanks: __dirname + '/data/tanks.geojson', //optional
valves: __dirname + '/data/valves.geojson' //optional
output: __dirname + '/data.inp' //output INP file path
const js2inp = new geojson2inp(config.geojson, config.output, config.title);
const file = await js2inp.generate() //return exported inp file path
Both junctions and pipes are required. Others are optional, however you can't also analyze it in EPANET without reservoirs and tanks.
About interfaces of GeoJSON, please see the sample data and tests/data direcotry.
You can produce your own GeoJSON by using watergis/postgis2geojson package.
npm run build
npm test