Final project for CS 6601: Artificial Intelligence
This project contains a procedure which takes text files (whose filename is named after the author), and learns the author's style, paragraph by paragraph, in order to make predictions on unseen paragraphs.
The file
defines a class data_builder
which initializes with a folder name, and extracts text from all the pre-processed text files in the folder that end with _pcd.txt.
Calling the pos_vectorize()
method will then extract the tagword features from the already extracted text and turn them into vectors for the SVM. The vectors will then be stored in the class variable vec_list.
The clf_data
is a class that acts as a container for the data to be classified, after the data has been gathered in a data_builder. On initializing, it splits the data from vec_list
into training and test data.
The subs_xval
function takes as argument a data_builder
instance and integer iters
, automatically converts it to a clf_data
container, and performs subsample cross-validation iters
times. It prints the Fscore, precision and recall.
This project uses scikit learn module's SVM, and POS tagger, WordNetLemmatizer and PorterStemmer from the NLTK (natural language toolkit), and makes plots with matplotlib.
The script
plots histograms of my existing dataset, and imports a list of the authorship probabilities for each paragraph.