This repository is a boilerplate for creating custom React hooks and components that we can publish to NPM registry as packages.
I've put together a quick tutorial, it assumes an understanding of React, hooks and unit tests.
If something is not clear, message me or raise an issue, I will explain in more detail.
I've used this boilerplate to create my NPM package [].
Firstly, clone this repository.
Next, go over to package.json file and amend name, description and author keys.
The package would be served on npm as per what you have typed in the "name".
You may want to use scoped naming i.e. "@myscope/use-my-hook"
More info: []
It follows the common React path.
Follow through the included usePagination example and you will be fine.
Make sure to export your hook (I prefer named exports) in index.ts.
Basically you have to do three things:
a) write your hook (preferably test and type it)
b) export it in index.ts file
c) deploy to NPM
We will able to use your hook like so:
import { useYourHook } from 'your-package-name'
// watch
yarn start
// or
npm run start
// builds the dist folder
yarn build
// or
npm run build
// starts tests
yarn test
// or
npm run test
To locally test the package, do the following:
Let's assume your package name is "use-my-counter" and your CRA is "my-app".
Let's also assume they are in one workspace.
- use-my-counter
- my-app
a) in hook folder, run
yarn link
b) assuming you have a workspace, create a sample CRA app
npx create-react-app my-app
c) navigate to your CRA app folder
cd my-app
d) run command
yarn link use-my-counter
e) In your CRA app, you can now user package, as it's linked locally
import { useMyCounter } from 'use-my-counter';
f) However, this will give you an error due to different copy of React and in CRA app. To counter that let's assume that we have workspace
- use-my-counter
- my-app
We navigate to use-my-counter and type (this will link the React versions locally).
Please amend the path to your needs.
npm link ../my-app/node_modules/react
We should be good to go to work locally.
npm login
Increase the version number as per NPM guides [].
// increases the first digit i.e. from 0.5.4 to 1.0.0
npm version major
// increases the second digit i.e. from 0.0.3 to 0.1.0
npm version minor
// increases the third digit i.e. from 0.0.1 to 0.0.2
npm version patch
Run the command and the package should be up.
npm publish --access public
You can do that too, following same pattern as you'd with hooks.
Bear in mind you'd propably need .tsx file and not .ts.
Share your work and learnings with the world! :)