Capture heap snapshots and query the snapshot for objects matching a set of properties. Read more about it in this blog post.
Install via npm/yarn.
$ npm install puppeteer-heap-snapshot
Capture a heap snapshot from a Puppeteer page target (obtained via await
). Warning: this data structure can grow very large (1mb - 250mb or more) so be sure you have enough memory available.
const browser = await Puppeteer.launch();
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.goTo("")
const heapSnapshot = await captureHeapSnapshot(await;
findObjectsWithProperties(heapSnapshot: HeapSnapshot, properties: string[], options?: { ignoreProperties?: string[] }): BuiltHeapValue[]
Find objects in the heap snapshot that include a set of properties. This operation is computationally expensive traversing the large heap snapshot graph and may be slow. To improve performance, you can specify a list of properties in ignoreProperties
to skip traversing and serialization. These properties will not be present on the result.
const objects = findObjectsWithProperties(heapSnapshot, ["foo", "bar"]);
// objects = [{
// "foo": true,
// "bar": false,
// "baz": "lorem ipsum"
// }]
Warning: this code is not optimized and may be slow if many objects match your query and/or the matching objects are large.
findObjectWithProperties(heapSnapshot: HeapSnapshot, properties: string[], options?: { ignoreProperties?: string[] }): BuiltHeapValue[]
Identical to findObjectsWithProperties
except it throws an error if no object found or more than one object found.
This package comes with a small CLI that allows you to fetch heap snapshots for URLs and run queries on them.
$ npx puppeteer-heap-snapshot --help
Usage: puppeteer-heap-snapshot [options] [command]
--debug Enable debug mode (non-headless Chrome, debug logging)
--no-headless Do not run Chrome in headless mode
-w, --wait <timeout> Add a wait time before taking a heap snapshot (default: "10000")
-h, --help display help for command
fetch [options] fetch a heap snapshot for a URL and write to a file
query [options] fetch/read a heap snapshot and output the matching objects in JSON
help [command] display help for command
For example, fetch from a URL and output matching objects:
$ npx puppeteer-heap-snapshot query -u -p video_view_count,video_play_count,shortcode,video_url --no-headless | jq .
>> Opening Puppeteer page at:
>> Taking heap snapshot..
"__typename": "GraphVideo",
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"text": "You can feel the pain through that facial expression! 梁\n @jago.artist\nRome, Italy"
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// ... <snip>