To install, you should first sign up for a TraceView account.
Follow the instructions during signup to install the Host Agent (“tracelyzer”). This will also install the liboboe and liboboe-dev dependencies.
Then, install the following (which assumes you are running Ubuntu/Debian):
OpenSSL libraries and dev headers: apt-get install libssl-dev
pkg-config: apt-get install pkg-config
This code: go get
If all goes well, you can run the sample “web app” included with go-traceview:
cd $GOPATH/src/
go run main.go
A web server will run on port 8899. It doesn’t do much, except wait a bit and echo back your URL path:
$ curl http://localhost:8899/hello
Slow request... Path: /hello
You should see these requests appear on your TraceView dashboard.
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