install I2c tools to get i2cdetect utility
sudo apt install -y i2c-tools
install gpiozero:
apt install -y python-gpiozero
Install node >= 10 with this bash script
wget https://github.com/retrobox/console-modules/blob/master/v3.06/installnode.sh && ./installnode.sh && rm installnode.sh
:- Go to release page of arduino-cli repository on GitHub
- Choose binary file & wget this binary file
- Extract binary from archive
- Copy the binary to a dir contained in path (
for example) - For example with raspberry pi on armv7:
cd ~
wget -O arduino-cli.tar.gz https://github.com/arduino/arduino-cli/releases/download/0.9.0/arduino-cli_0.9.0_Linux_ARMv7.tar.gz
tar -xf arduino-cli.tar.gz
mv arduino-cli /usr/bin
rm arduino-cli.tar.gz
Install AccelStepper lib
arduino-cli lib install AccelStepper
Install LiquidCrystal_PCF8574 lib
arduino-cli lib install LiquidCrystal_PCF8574
Install lib udev
sudo apt install -y libudev-dev
Install lib usb
sudo apt install libusb-1.0
Follow installation guide for serialport node.js lib
Install TFMINI
- run raspi-config > interface
- say no to access the login prompt by serial
- say yes to access the serial interface
- working code
- edit /boot/cmdline.txt
dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootfstype=ext4 elevator=deadline fsck.repair=yes rootwait
- edit /boot/config.txt, add the following line:
- docs
- pip3 install pyserial
- base tutorial
- White = TX
- Green = RX
- only need RX
- run raspi-config > interface
- pip3 install -r ./requirements.txt
- pip3 install PyEventEmitter && pip3 install adafruit-pca9685 && pip3 install websocket-server
- PyEventEmitter
- websockets
interface hardware-software pour l'assemblage ascenseur
- ouvrir pince
- fermer pince
- niveau supra eceuil
- niveau attrape eceuil
- niveau depilage rat/bas
- niveau depilage haut
- init pince
- go to direction and click with end switch
- close pince
interface hardware-software pour l'assemblage tiroir
- sortir tiroir
- rentrer tiroir
- init tiroir
- go to endswitch
routine attraper goblet (une routine par ascenseur)
- si il est pas au bon niveau, se mettre au niveau haut
- ouvrir pince
- descendre au niveau eceuil
- fermer pince
- se mettre au niveau haut
routine dépiller (une routine par ascenseur)
- s'il il n'est pas ouvert, ouvrir le tiroir
- s'il il est pas au bon niveau, se mettre au niveau depiller bas
- ouvrir pince
- se mettre au niveau depiller haut
- fermer pince
- fermer squeezer
- se mettre au niveau deplier supra haut
- ouvrir squeezer
- (ranger tiroir)
0: Drawer stepper
1: Left/Front Elevator
2: Right/Back Elevator
positiveDirection: if true, step are positives
- GO_TO_ORIGIN(int stepperId, bool positiveDirection)
- GO_TO(int stepperId, int position)
- SET_FLASHING_MODE(array pulses)
BUTTON (will receive an event when button at falling edge of the push button: with the time)
rfkill unblock bluetooth
- disable feature on elevator
- disable elevator until go to origin to prevent steps jumps
tmpfs /python-recovery tmpfs nodev,nosuid,size=2M 0 0