- Users (humans) should be able to register players (AI) with the server
- Each player should be publicly ranked using an ELO system, and have a secret authentication token associated with it
- Any agent with a valid authentication token should be able to engage in matchmaking, and eventually play a game with the sever
- Games should be publicly accessible as UHP sessions
- The server should provide a default AI player to play against if nobody's playing
- ELO rankings should be publicly viewable
- The server should matchmake players according to their ELO rankings
Some baseline rules:
- Tournament rules (no Queens on turn 1)
- Only base Hive and PLM are valid
- If a player disconnects or times out, it counts as a forfeit
- Games will use time control to prevent neverending games
- If there's a major rules bug in the server engine, all ELO scores can/will be invalidated
Multiplayer model:
- All players must implement the UHP Engine interface to play. roach will provide a thin adapter layer to ease the burden of writing this for each AI
- The adapter will only require that an AI provide a stdin/stdout interface that, given a UHP GameString (and possibly the remaining time), provides the AI's next move
- POST /matchmaking (auth) - join matchmaking
- GET /matchmaking (auth) - poll status of a matchmaking ticket
- GET /play (auth) - player's websocket endpoint for their active game
- GET /games - list of all completed games
- GET /game/:id - info for a game, including metadata and UHP session
- GET /players - list of all players
- GET /player/:id - info for a player
- POST /player - create a new
pre-beta TODO:
- update ELO after games
- docs for writing AI
- turn timer
- default player in matchmaking
- test game endpoint?
post-beta TODO:
- add Users (w/ oauth?) to manage multiple Players
- game viewer
- view active matches