A simple example of integrating Twilio and Pusher to very easily create a cool realtime web app.
Blog post describing this project can be found here: https://www.twilio.com/blog/2012/07/pusher-and-twilio-making-realtime-fuctionality-easy.html
- Rename config.example.yml to config.yml.
- Register for a pusher account from http://www.pusher.com and Twilio account from: https://www.twilio.com
- Put in the credentials into your config.yml file.
- Configure your Twilio end point telephone number by going to: https://www.twilio.com/user/account/phone-numbers/ and clicking on your number
- Update your Voice Request URL to http://LocationWhereYouAreGoingToHost.com/call
- Update your Messaging Request URL to http://LocationWhereYouAreGoingToHost.com/sms
- Save your Twilio settings
- You are good to go...
restyle your web template to look awesome. "index.erb"
bundle install
ruby app.rb
Open your web browser at http://localhost:4566.
Or, if you have foreman installed.
foreman start
Open your web browser at http://localhost:5000.