Create a BGP RIB time series database from MRT format dump files.
- Create docker-compose.yml with reference to docker-compose.sample.yml.
- Create .env
- run
docker-compose up -d
$ bgprecorder -h
usage: bgprecorder [-h] [-H DB_HOST] [-p DB_PORT] [-u DB_USER] [-w DB_PASSWORD] [-d DB_NAME] [-c COMPRESS] [-i DURATION] [-f MRT_DUMP_FILES]
bgprecord dump BGP MRT rib to DB
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-H DB_HOST, --db_host DB_HOST
db host. default: localhost or $BGPRECORDER_DB_HOST
-p DB_PORT, --db_port DB_PORT
db port. default: 5432 or $BGPRECORDER_DB_PORT
-u DB_USER, --db_user DB_USER
db user. default: postgres or $BGPRECORDER_DB_USER
-w DB_PASSWORD, --db_password DB_PASSWORD
db password. default: None or $BGPRECORDER_DB_PASSWORD
-d DB_NAME, --db_name DB_NAME
db name. default: bgprecorder or $BGPRECORDER_DB_RECORDER
-c COMPRESS, --compress COMPRESS
compress MRT dump after import. default: False
-i DURATION, --duration DURATION
interval of recording (sec.) default: 3600 or $BGPRECORDER_DURATION
-f MRT_DUMP_FILES, --mrt_dump_files MRT_DUMP_FILES
target MRT dumpfile match rule. default: ./mrt/*.dump or $BGPRECORDER_DURATION
$ bash misc/
$ bgprecord
$ bgpquery -h
usage: bgpquery [-h] -a ADDRESS [-t DATETIME] [-H DB_HOST] [-p DB_PORT] [-u DB_USER] [-w DB_PASSWORD] [-d DB_NAME]
bgpquery: get BGP rib json from bgprecorder db
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a ADDRESS, --address ADDRESS
target address
-t DATETIME, --datetime DATETIME
target datetime. example: "200601021504"
-H DB_HOST, --db_host DB_HOST
db host. default: localhost or $BGPRECORDER_DB_HOST
-p DB_PORT, --db_port DB_PORT
db port. default: 5432 or $BGPRECORDER_DB_PORT
-u DB_USER, --db_user DB_USER
db user. default: postgres or $BGPRECORDER_DB_USER
-w DB_PASSWORD, --db_password DB_PASSWORD
db user. default: None or $BGPRECORDER_DB_PASSWORD
-d DB_NAME, --db_name DB_NAME
db user. default: bgprecorder or $BGPRECORDER_DB_RECORDER
$ bash misc/
$ bgpquery -a 3ffe::114 -d 202207131800 | jq
"id": 13735,
"time": "2022-07-13T17:00:32",
"path_id": 3204,
"type_name": "TABLE_DUMP2_AP",
"sequence": null,
"from_ip": "2001:200:e00:300:dad::4",
"from_as": 0,
"originated": null,
"origin": "IGP",
"aspath": "400 300",
"nlri_type": null,
"nlri": "3ffe::/32",
"nexthop": "2001:db8::ace",
"community": "4690:64500",
"large_community": null
"id": 13736,
"time": "2022-07-13T17:00:32",
"path_id": 4634,
"type_name": "TABLE_DUMP2_AP",
"sequence": null,
"from_ip": "2001:200:e00:300:dad::5",
"from_as": 0,
"originated": null,
"origin": "IGP",
"aspath": "100 200 300",
"nlri_type": null,
"nlri": "3ffe::/32",
"nexthop": "2001:db8::beaf",
"community": "4690:64501",
"large_community": null