What's Changed
- [WFCORE-6538] - KerberosNativeMgmtSaslTestCase.testGs2Krb5OverSsl intermittently fails
- [WFCORE-6541] - Patch high level command should be completely disabled in standalone mode
- [WFCORE-6548] - Unify test logging in elytron module
- [WFCORE-6552] - Windows: WARNING: package com.sun.net.internal.ssl not in java.base
- [WFCORE-6559] - Installation manager could be unable to delete the candidate server when running in PowerShell
- [WFCORE-6568] - Modify description in elytron of subsystem to its correct sentence
- [WFCORE-6445] - Update ModuleSpecification.getMutableUserDependencies to resolve pending TODOs
- [WFCORE-6532] - Add security manager testing to scripts tests
- [WFCORE-6563] - Remove org.wildfly.build plugins from the poms
Component Upgrade
- [WFCORE-6527] - Upgrade JGit from to
- [WFCORE-6542] - Upgrade the Windows service tools
- [WFCORE-6547] - Upgrade JBoss Marshalling to 2.1.3.SP1
- [WFCORE-6551] - Upgrade XNIO to 3.8.11.Final
- [WFCORE-6555] - CVE-2023-3223 Upgrade Undertow to 2.3.9.Final
- [WFCORE-6557] - CVE-2023-44487 Upgrade Netty to 4.1.100.Final
- [WFCORE-6562] - Upgrade Galleon to 5.2.1.Final and Galleon plugins to 6.5.0.Final
- [WFCORE-6564] - CVE-2023-44487 Upgrade Undertow to 2.3.10.Final
- [WFCORE-6567] - Upgrade Installation Manager API to 1.0.2.Final
- [WFCORE-6572] - Upgrade XNIO to 3.8.12.Final
- [WFCORE-6573] - Upgrade Eclipse Parsson from 1.1.4 to 1.1.5
- [WFCORE-6574] - Upgrade JBoss Parent to 40
- [WFCORE-6575] - Upgrade Jakarta JSON from 2.1.2 to 2.1.3
- [WFCORE-6476] - Reducing logging level for failed internal read-only operation steps
- [WFCORE-6556] - IllegalAccessWarnings on JDK11 in Elytron Subsystem
New Contributors
- @gabrielpadilh4 made their first contribution in #5729
Full Changelog: https://issues.redhat.com/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=12315422&version=12414615