What's Changed
- [WFCORE-6578] - [CVE-2023-3171] WildFly heap exhaustion via deserialization
- [WFCORE-6591] - Core modules still have dependencies on org.jboss.as.security
- [WFCORE-6592] - NPE in ThreadFactoryService
- [WFCORE-6597] - WFCORE-4296 - Illegal reflective access by org.wildfly.extension.elytron.SSLDefinitions when started by ps1 script
- [WFCORE-6601] - ModuleSpecification.setSystemDependency does not reset the allDependencies list
- [WFCORE-6604] - JMX can't set default value for an attribute of ModelType.LIST
- [WFCORE-6607] - ModuleSpecification.addSystemDependency treats a duplicate add as an excluded dependency
- [WFCORE-6608] - Inconsistent user dependency views in ModuleSpecification
- [WFCORE-6332] - Better handling of licenses
- [WFCORE-6599] - Control the maven repos used by dependabot
- [WFCORE-6606] - WildFly main is failing some of Jakarta EE 10 Platform TCK Connector tests that depend on appclient deploying an ear with resource archive deployment dependencies
- [WFCORE-6609] - Remove obsolete JMockit from Elytron tests
- [WFCORE-6617] - Clean out ts.elytron profile cruft
- [WFCORE-6620] - Bump the kernel management API version to 24.0.0
- [WFCORE-6625] - Remove org.glassfish:jakarta.json license info
Component Upgrade
- [WFCORE-6577] - Upgrade Galleon to 5.2.2.Final and Galleon plugins to 6.5.2.Final
- [WFCORE-6582] - Upgrade WildFly Galleon plugins to 6.5.3.Final
- [WFCORE-6584] - Upgrade wildfly-common to 1.7.0.Final
- [WFCORE-6585] - Upgrade snakeyaml to 2.2
- [WFCORE-6586] - Upgrade SSHD from 2.10.0 to 2.11.0
- [WFCORE-6587] - Upgrade Apache Commons CLI from 1.5.0 to 1.6.0
- [WFCORE-6590] - Upgrade commons-lang3 from 3.12.0 to 3.13.0
- [WFCORE-6618] - Upgrade BouncyCastle from 1.76 to 1.77
- [WFCORE-6621] - Upgrade Byteman to 4.0.22
- [WFCORE-6255] - Deployment scanner does not undeploy failed archives
- [WFCORE-6600] - Limit logging level of com.networknt.schema
Release Notes: https://issues.redhat.com/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=12315422&version=12416052
Full Changelog: 23.0.0.Beta1...23.0.0.Beta2