What's Changed
- [WFCORE-6795] Upgrade wildfly-discovery to 1.3.0.Final by @tadamski in #5972
- [WFCORE-6797] Upgrade BouncyCastle from 1.78 to 1.78.1 by @yersan in #5974
- [WFCORE-6799] Upgrade SLF4J from 2.0.12 to 2.0.13 by @yersan in #5975
- [WFCORE-6801] Use maven.compiler.release to ensure the desired binary… by @yersan in #5976
- [WFCORE-6803] Bump the kernel management API version to 26.0.0 by @yersan in #5979
- WFCORE-6792 Fix missing CapabilityServiceInstaller.Builder.async() -> blocking(). by @pferraro in #5983
- WFCORE-6806 Add method to combine multiple DeploymentServiceInstaller by @pferraro in #5981
- [WFCORE-6809] Bump org.wildfly.plugins:wildfly-jar-maven-plugin from 11.0.0.Final to 11.0.1.Final by @dependabot in #5982
- WFCORE-6808 Add capability-resolving variant of child ServiceTarget-based ServiceInstaller.Builder by @pferraro in #5985
- [WFCORE-6811] Remove configuration stability level from WildFly Core … by @yersan in #5986
- [WFCORE-6814] Adjusting ContentRepositoryTest to be functional on all JDKs on Fedora 40 by @ropalka in #5988
Jira release notes: https://issues.redhat.com/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=12315422&version=12425305
Full Changelog: 24.0.0.Final...25.0.0.Beta1