What's Changed
- [WFCORE-6661] More accurate, resettable start time calculation by @bstansberry in #5827
- WFCORE-6877 SubsystemPersistence factory method for manual parser/writer cannot find writer by @pferraro in #6056
- [WFCORE-6870][WFCORE-6871][WFCORE-6876] ModuleSpecification cleanups by @bstansberry in #6053
- WFCORE-6866 Create ServiceDescriptor for management executor by @pferraro in #6048
- [WFCORE-6886] Update unstable API scanner to 1.0.0.Final by @kabir in #6060
- [WFCORE-6888] Upgrade WildFly Elytron to 2.5.0.Final by @fjuma in #6062
- [WFCORE-6892] Remove duplicate plugin declaration by @yersan in #6068
- [WFCORE-6834] wildfly-elytron-integration jar duplicated in server modules by @yersan in #6067
- [WFCORE-6834] wildfly-elytron-integration jar duplicated in server modules by @ivassile in #6014
- [WFCORE-6887] Introducing new phase STRUCTURE_NAMING_JDK_DEPENDENCIES by @ropalka in #6061
- [WFCORE-6900] CVE-2024-3653 CVE-2024-5971 Upgrade Undertow to 2.3.15.… by @fl4via in #6073
Full Changelog: 25.0.0.Beta5...25.0.0.Final
Jira release notes:
- [WFCORE-6834] - wildfly-elytron-integration jar duplicated in server modules
- [WFCORE-6877] - SubsystemPersistence factory method for manual parser/writer cannot find writer
- [WFCORE-6892] - duplicate declaration of plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin
- [WFCORE-6866] - Create ServiceDescriptor for management executor
- [WFCORE-6870] - Remove deprecated ModuleSpecification members
- [WFCORE-6871] - Deprecate use of ModuleIdentifier in the ModuleSpecification API
- [WFCORE-6876] - Enhance unit testing of ModuleSpecification
Component Upgrade
- [WFCORE-6886] - Update unstable API scanner to 1.0.0.Final
- [WFCORE-6888] - Upgrade WildFly Elytron to 2.5.0.Final
- [WFCORE-6900] - CVE-2024-3653 CVE-2024-5971 Upgrade Undertow to 2.3.15.Final
- [WFCORE-6661] - More accurate, resettable start time calculation
Jira Release Notes: https://issues.redhat.com/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=12315422&version=12430015