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TRooFit is a collection of pdf classes for RooFit, that are designed to behave like objects from ROOT. For example, TRooFit introduces:
- TRooH1D : A pdf (inherits from RooAbsPdf) that you can fill and draw like a TH1D. The value of this object is a DENSITY.
- TRooHF1D : A function (inherits from RooAbsReal). The value of this object is a VALUE.
- TRooHStack : A sum of TRooH1D (or any other RooAbsReal) ... think of it as a stack of histograms
- TRooHPdfStack : Like a TRooHStack but only accepts (extended) pdfs, and ensures each is normalized individually in the summation, i.e. pdfValue = Sum(i) coef_i*pdfValue_i, where coef_i is the fraction of total expected events of that pdf. The coef_i are automatically recomputed
Setup any release that has ROOT, e.g. AthAnalysis, and then use acm to clone this package and compile it (here we checkout the version called TRooFit-ABCD-0.1.0)
mkdir build source
cd build
acmSetup AthAnalysis,21.2,latest
acm clone_project TRooFit will/TRooFit TRooFit-ABCD-0.1.0
acm compile
To checkout the master, just omit the last argument in the clone_project command.
So far, try to look at the macros provided in the demo dir
The documentation for the latest version of TRooFit is also available at: