Small Matlab GUI-tool allowing to pick a series of plot datapoints from an imported image.
Load a (png or other bitmap) version of a graph, e.g. ( "example image")
Define your axis to be linear, lin-log, log-lin or log-log
Click two welldefined, diagonal points spanning the graph
Input min-max ranges of x and y coordinate
Click 'Get data' to start collecting points. Once you have collected what you want, right-click within the graph
Save your x-y coordinate set, here is an example (
1.0304203e+00 4.6599722e+12
1.2674535e+00 7.1430222e+12
1.5675302e+00 9.7704454e+12
2.1384168e+00 8.7186260e+12
3.0638330e+00 5.8521568e+12
4.4620721e+00 2.6366456e+12
6.0871364e+00 1.1545719e+12
8.3950249e+00 3.6962203e+11
1.0963984e+01 1.1500802e+11
1.4319071e+01 4.3678174e+10