Journey.js v1.3.0 - Smoother journey! New options! More examples! More, more, more...
New Features:**
Added smooth transition when the dialog is moved to different DOM elements in the journey.
Added a custom tooltip, which uses the default theme colors!
Binding Options:**
Added a new binding option called "showDisabledBackground", which states if the disabled background should be shown for this step (defaults to true).
Added a new binding option called "tooltip", which states a custom tooltip to use for its progress dot in the main dialog (defaults to null).
Binding Options - Custom Triggers:**
Added a new binding custom trigger called "onStart", which states an event that should be triggered when the journey is at the start.
Configuration Options:**
Added a new configuration option called "showProgressDotToolTips", which states if the progress dot tooltips should be shown (defaults to true).
Fixed a fault that prevented the shortcut keys from being disabled when the configuration option "shortcutKeysEnabled" is set to false.
You can’t perform that action at this time.