url | lastchange |
v001 + start again with chezmoi :README.md |
These settings have been refined over several years at wilsonmar/mac-setup and from a fork of afranken/dotfiles.
This now uses Swiss paraglider Tom Payne's open-source project chezmoi, pronounced /ʃeɪ mwa/ (shay-mwa), a French phrase for "my home".
After you complete the steps below on a machine, you can legitimately add to your resume or LinkedIn profile:
- Configured, on new Macs, from scratch, a large set of utilities, languages tools, local AI apps,
and access to AWS, Azure, and Google cloud services.
The custom automation reduces onboarding errors and time
from days to less than an hour.
Documentation of steps were validated by others.
With a common set of tools, the entire team can now pair program together efficiently.
This makes it easy to achieve cybersecurity directives to keep all software up-to-date frequently.
This automation script is idempotent. The script detects what has already been installed, then verifies the success of each step. It performs workarounds for known issues.
Chezmoi installs utilities and apps onto a new, empty machine with a single command on the user's $HOME folder.
The curl is built-in to macOS. But if you prefer to use wget, first install Apple's Command Line Tools (xcode-select --install), then install Homebrew at https://brew.sh. VIDEO:
brew install wget
wget -V
PROTIP: wget references a certificate at default location /etc/ssl/cert.pem
If the user's repository is private, and git has been configured, the git@ protocol can be used:
sh -c "$(curl -fsLS get.chezmoi.io)" -- -b $HOME/.local/bin \
init --apply [email protected]:$GITHUB_USERNAME/dotfiles.git
If a repository is public, the https:// protocol can assumed for install into the default folder $HOME/.local/bin:
sh -c "$(curl -fsLS get.chezmoi.io)" -- \
init --apply $GITHUB_USERNAME
Use of sh means the command is portable to any machine which has the POSIX shell provided by default on popular operating systems (macOS, Linux, Windows).
The init parameter tells the script to run.
The -b parameter tells the script to install in folder /.local/bin instead of the default /bin which does not require root (sudo) access and the need to type in a password.
Chezmoi uses the value of $GITHUB_USERNAME provided to construct a URL where it obtains configuration files to control the installation within a repository everyone names dotfiles.
Chezmoi is widely used, so it's interesting to explore the different hacks, configurations, and time-saving automations developers have in their dotfiles. Search for "dotfiles chezmoi" on GitHub:
Chezmoi author Tom Payne's own dotfiles repository is at:
Download the repository and adopt pieces of it in your own repository.
- In the assets folder, I don't have a Keychron K2 Pro Wireless Mechanical Keyboard, so I don't need his keychron json files.
- I replaced his [email protected] photo with my own.
- In folder Documents/WindowsPowerShell Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 file containing:
$env:Path += ";$env:UserProfile\bin"
Set-Alias -Name g -Value git
In file home/dot_bash_aliases.tmpl
- dot_bash_aliases.tmpl sets keyboard aliases. TODO: macsetup/aliases.sh
In folder home/.chezmoiscripts is a file for each operating system:
- darwin
- linux
- windows
Additionally, file home/.chezmoiscripts/run_onchange_after_configure-vscode.sh.tmpl adds extentions. TODO: Reconcile list at vscode-ext-all.txt.
Within home/.chezmoiscripts/darwin are:
run_onchange_before_install-google-earth-pro.sh updates rosetta as well
run_onchange_before_install-packages.sh.tmpl lists brew packages to install
run_onchange_after_configure-defaults.sh lists commands instead of Apple System Settings GUI. TODO: replace with mac-setup/mydotfile.sh which lists commands by System Settings GUI menu order.
run_onchange_after_configure-desktop.sh says "osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to tell every desktop to set picture to "/System/Library/Desktop Pictures/Solid Colors/Space Gray Pro.png" as POSIX file'
run_onchange_after_configure-dock.sh lists Apple apps to remove from the Dock.
Tom's install.sh script sets chemoi's installation folder
script_dir="$(cd -P -- "$(dirname -- "$(command -v -- "$0")")" && pwd -P)"
echo $script_dir
On a macOS Silicon machine, the output is:
On a macOS Intel machine, the output is:
Tom's home/private_dot_config folder contains repository a file for each CLI package to install:
- forge
- git
- homebrew
- nvim
- private_karabiner
- psql
- readline
- ripgrep
- tmux
- wezterm - A GPU-accelerated cross-platform terminal emulator and multiplexer written by @wez and implemented in Rust
I add:
- warp (improved CLI)
- gh (GitHub.com CLI)
- ???
QUESTION: What about apps?
Chezmoi's functionality include password manager integration.
You, too can store personal secrets in 1Password app. First, install the 1Password CLI, which provided the "op" command for signing into 1Password:
eval $(op signin)
Edit each ".tmpl" (template) file in home/private_dot_ssh folder:
Edit file authorized_keys.tmpl to change "twpayne" to your own GitHub user name (which TODO: should be templatized):
{{ range (gitHubKeys "twpayne") -}}
{{ .Key }}
{{ end -}}
Edit file home/private_dot_ssh/config.tmpl to contain only the web properties you use (github.com), and remove the others.
Files id_rsa.pub.tmpl and private_id_rsa.tmpl contain:
The onepasswordRead function to read secrets from 1Password:
{{ if .flarm -}}
{{ onepasswordRead "op://FLARM/SSH Key/public key" .onepasswordAccount }}
{{ else if .personal -}}
{{ onepasswordRead "op://Personal/SSH Key/public key" .onepasswordAccount }}
{{ end -}}
"flarm" is a boolean variable that is set to true if the user is using a work machine.???
By default, Chezmoi stores the desired state of your dotfiles in the directory
Dotfiles are idempotent.
Unlike Python and Java, which first require a compiler to be installed, Chezmoi's binary was created using the Go language, which has no dependencies.
The internal/uv.lock file is used by the package manager UV to prevent concurrent access to the Go runtime.
~/.gitconfig that controls Git is an example of a dotfile.
Within the dotfiles repository, Variables can be used to vary configuration settings for different environments (such as work and personal machines).
BLOG: This sample file uses Go’s text/template syntax to first check if email and name variables exist using the hasKey function so that it can fall back to default values if a custom value is not provided.
email = {{ if hasKey . "email" }}{{ .email | quote }}{{ else }}"[email protected]"{{ end }}
name = {{ if hasKey . "name" }}{{ .name | quote }}{{ else }}"John Doe"{{ end }}
excludesFile = "{{ .chezmoi.homeDir }}/.gitignore_global"
rebase = false
defaultbranch = main
ff = no
commit = no
Go's hasKey function references values in Chezmoi's config file at